Docc Hilford - Okito Doll, D magik books
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was suggested to me by
trick of the rising pencil.
The performer gives out for examination a doll the
appearance of which is clearly shown in the made of
rushes and cottonwool or absorbent cotton.
When the talisman has been examined, the performer
on his left hand, makes passes over it with his causes it to
raise itself slowly and stand upright.
A little hook is concealed in the cottonwool at
talisman. The hook is not detected because it is
hidden by the cotton. This little hook is slipped
into the of the left thumb, which, being moved
outwards causes the talisman to rise on the hand
(figures )
KENTON NOTES: The current versions do
not use the cotton, though it is an easy matter
to glue some cotton on, should one wish to do
Be VERY careful as you never want to jab the
hook into your flesh of course! Do NOT try to
stab yourself… This should be more like
The over-all size of the talisman is about two
and a half inches.
The advantage of this version lies not only
the hook, but also in the interest of the doll in the
minds of the spectators.
getting a small sliver under the surface layers of
your skin ONLY.
What some people miss in setting this up: Be
sure the end of the hook is TOWARDS you. That
is, be sure when you snag it on your upper skin
that you do so by bringing the doll and the hook
towards you. It will
work with the hook being
put in AWAY from you (and towards on looking
That should save you many hours of frustration.
The original drawing does show this, but you
may well miss this nuance, as I have myself in
the past. Now you may learn from my mistakes,
and not stab yourself trying to make this work.
The slightest movement of flattening out the hand
makes the doll move.
I “breathe life” into the doll as follows:
Breathe IN somewhat noisily and make the doll
raise up just a little bit off the hand. Breathe OUT
and relax, causing the doll to rest in your hand.
Repeat again, this time brining the doll up a little
more than the first time. Breathe out and let it
The third time, breathe in very long and loudly –
like a shrieking, gasping spirit of some kind. As
you make this hideous breathing sound, make the
doll stand slowly all the way up. The doll stands
on your hand as you concentrate and hold your
breath. Pause for a moment and breathe out.
As you breathe out this time, you can flatten your
hand enough to make the doll flip over
TOWARDS you and come free. Otherwise, you
may simply hand it out as remove it from the
standing position on your hand.
You need not add the cotton or hand the doll out
of course. It is merely an option mentioned
originally by Okito. The drawing and other text
beside my own are from Okito himself. I would
surely NOT call this doll a “Hindoo” or a
“Voodo” doll in this day and age!
One last note: Who says the doll has to be
cursed? Perhaps it rises to grant wishes or
We sell the dolls when we have them only to
those of 21 years of age and older who take full
responsibility for playing with it, and who are
Any purchaser takes agrees to take full
responsibility for it’s use and practice in any and
all forms and further agrees not to hold us
responsible in any way or manner whatever. This
has been in children’s books and such for ages,
but as it is not well known now, we repeat YOU
are the only one responsible for what you do with
the doll. Follow the directions and do not hurt
yourself. This prop is NOT made by us, but I do
happen to like it and as they have been hard to
obtain, I thought are professional buyers out to be
able to get these again.
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