Doctor Who and the Giant Robot - Terrance Dicks, ebook, CALIBRE SFF 1970s, Temp 1

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‘Look, Brigadier! It’s growing!’ screamed Sarah.
The Brigadier stared in amazement as the Robot began to
grow... and grow... swelling to the size of a giant!
Slowly the metal colossus, casting its enormous shadow
upon the surrounding trees and buildings, began to stride
towards the Brigadier. A giant metal hand reached down
to grasp him... Can DOCTOR WHO defeat the evil forces
controlling the Robot before they execute their plans to
blackmail—or destroy—the world?
ISBN 0 426 11279 2
Based on the BBC television serial
Doctor Who—Robot
arrangement with the British Broadcasting Corporation
published by
The Paperback Division of
W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd
A Target Book
Published in 1975
by the Paperback Division of W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd.
A Howard & Wyndham Company
44 Hill Street, London W1X 8LB
Novelisation copyright © Terrance Dicks 1975
Original television script copyright © Terrance Dicks 1974
‘Doctor Who’ series copyright © British Broadcasting
Corporation 1974,1975
Printed and bound in Great Britain by
Anchor Brendon Ltd, Tiptree, Essex
ISBN 0 426 11279 2
This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by
way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or
otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in
any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is
published and without a similar condition including this
condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
1 Killer in the Night
2 Something More than Human
3 Trouble at Thinktank
4 Robot!
5 The Killer Strikes Again
6 Trapped by the Robot
7 The World in Danger
8 In the Hands of the Enemy
9 The Battle at the Bunker
10 The Countdown Begins
11 The Kidnapping of Sarah
12 The Giant Terror
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