Double Fudge - Judy Blume, ebook, ebook.1400, Temp 1

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//-->Double FudgeJudy Blume1 The MiserWhen my brother Fudge was five, he discovered money ina big way. "Hey, Pete," he said one night as I was getting outof the shower. "How much would it cost to buy New York?""The city or the state?" I asked, as if it were a seriousquestion."Which is bigger?""The state, but all the good stuff is in the city." People whodon't live in the city might disagree, but I'm a city kind of guy."We live in the city, right?" Fudge said. He was sitting onthe open toilet seat in his pajamas."You're notdoinganything, are you?" I asked as I toweledmyself dry.4"What do you mean, Pete?""Imeanyou're sitting on the toilet, and you haven't pulleddown your pj's."He swung his feet and started laughing. "Don't worry, Pete.Only Tootsie still poops in her pants." Tootsie is our littlesister. She'll be two in February.Fudge watched as I combed my wet hair. "Are you goingsomeplace?" he asked."Yeah, to bed." I got into clean boxers and pulled a T-shirtover my head."Then how come you're getting dressed?""I'm not getting dressed. Starting tonight, this is what I wearinstead of pajamas. And how come you're still up?""I can't go to sleep until you tell me, Pete.""Tell you what?""How much it would cost to buy New York City.""Well, the Dutch paid about twenty-four dollars for it back inthe sixteen hundreds.""Twenty-four dollars?" His eyes opened wide "That's all?""Yeah, it was a real bargain. But don't get your hopes up.That's not what it would cost today, even if it were for sale, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
