Drop Dead Healthy - A. J. Jacobs, fitness, odżywianie - inne, ebooki - ang, pl, sport
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//-->From the bestselling author ofThe Year of Living Bib-licallyand The Know-It-Allcomes the true and trulyhilarious story of one person’s quest to become thehealthiest man in the world.Hospitalized with a freak case of tropical pneumo-nia, goaded by his wife telling him, “I don’t want tobe a widow at forty-five,” and ashamed of a middle-aged body best described as “a python that swal-lowed a goat,” A.J. Jacobs felt compelled to changehis ways and get healthy. And he didn’t want only tolose weight, or finish a triathlon, or lower his choles-terol. His ambitions were far greater: maximal healthfrom head to toe.The task was epic. He consulted an army of ex-perts—sleep consultants and sex clinicians, nutri-tionists and dermatologists. He subjected himself todozens of different workouts—from Strollercizeclasses to Finger Fitness sessions, from boulderingwith cavemen to a treadmill desk. And he took in acartload of diets: raw foods, veganism, high protein,calorie restriction, extreme chewing, and dozensmore. He bought gadgets and helmets, earphonesand juicers. He poked and he pinched. He countedand he measured.The story of his transformation is not only brilli-antly entertaining, but it just may be the healthiestbook ever written. It will make you laugh until yoursides split and endorphins flood your bloodstream.It will alter the contours of your brain, imprintingyou with better habits of hygiene and diet. It willmove you emotionally and get you moving physic-ally in surprising ways. And it will give you occa-sion to reflect on the body’s many mysteries and theultimate pursuit of health: a well-lived life.Praise forDropDead Healthy“I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this book, andonce again, the brilliant A.J. Jacobs had me laugh-ing out loud—and also deciding to change the wayI live.Drop Dead Healthyis a rare mixture of thehilarious, the absurd, and the scientifically sound.Who knew it could be so entertaining to read aboutbroccoli puree and shoeless jogging?”— GRETCHENRUBIN, author ofTHEHAPPINESSPROJECT“We can become healthier by learning from A.J.’sdiscomfort in this very funny book. He moves usfrom theory to practice by dragging his bodythrough all the longevity practices.”— DR. MEHMETOZ, host,THEDR. OZSHOW“A.J. Jacobs is very, very bad for your health. He willkeep you up reading ’til 2 a.m., disturbing your cir-cadian rhythms, making you sleep through break-fast and overeat at lunch. He is delicious. He’shabit-forming. He will give you infectious tittersand terminal glee. Don’t let that stop you. In-dulge.”—MARYROACH, author ofBONKandPACKING FORMARS“Who wouldn’t want to be fitter, happier, moreproductive? In this riotous, madcap book, A.J. Ja-cobs sets himself an ambitious goal: to become theperson we all wish we could be. It’s vintage A.J. Doyour future self a favor and read this book.”—JOSHUAFOER, author ofMOONWALKING WITHEINSTEIN“Can one man go from a ‘python that ate a goat’physique to perfect specimen? From Roman soldi-er workouts to areca palm plants, from the sublimeto the absurd, A.J. has tried it all. I laughed my assoff the whole way and learned a ton . . . includingabout my ass.”—TIMOTHYFERRISS, author ofTHE4-HOURBODY
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