Doom3 Simple Tweeks, poradniki, podręczniki i zakazane e-booki

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Ok I am running Amd Athlon 1800 1.15 GHz 384 ram With a Gforce2when I installed the game and attempted to play I got a whopping 2 fps to 4 fps to see what your FPS are put this in consol com_showFPS "1" or set com_showFPS "1" in config fileAfter I change some in game settings like600x800 and low qualityAdvance setting: I have High Quality Special affect checked yes and Enable Bump maps Yes all the rest are checked no.After I did these things I am getting average of 21 fps to 35 fps and in high action areas they drop to 15 FPSso this is what I did to my DoomConfig.seta image_downSizeLimit "512" CHANGED THIS FROM 256seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "512" CHANGED THIS FROM 256Here is actual config just make a back up of your config and copy and paste. Try mine if you have an old Graphix card.// IvL/FblnaU4w6bO89mN9XIzJKwdEz1acOB3LQ6Vj2NWPrRjcMHDUWwpZzE/zePncK8JfwT1h1fHq+5XRCsM=unbindallbind "TAB" "_impulse19"bind "ENTER" "_button2"bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu"bind "/" "_impulse14"bind "0" "_impulse10"bind "1" "_impulse0"bind "2" "_impulse1"bind "3" "_impulse2"bind "4" "_impulse3"bind "5" "_impulse4"bind "6" "_impulse5"bind "7" "_impulse6"bind "8" "_impulse7"bind "9" "_impulse8"bind "[" "_impulse15"bind "\\" "_mlook"bind "]" "_impulse14"bind "a" "_moveleft"bind "c" "_movedown"bind "d" "_moveright"bind "f" "_impulse11"bind "q" "_impulse9"bind "r" "_impulse13"bind "t" "clientMessageMode"bind "y" "clientMessageMode 1"bind "z" "_zoom"bind "BACKSPACE" "clientDropWeapon"bind "PAUSE" "pause"bind "UPARROW" "_forward"bind "DOWNARROW" "_back"bind "LEFTARROW" "_moveLeft"bind "RIGHTARROW" "_moveRight"bind "ALT" "_strafe"bind "CTRL" "_moveDown"bind "SHIFT" "_forward"bind "DEL" "_lookdown"bind "PGDN" "_lookup"bind "END" "_impulse18"bind "F1" "_impulse28"bind "F2" "_impulse29"bind "F3" "_impulse17"bind "F5" "savegame quick"bind "F6" "_impulse20"bind "F7" "_impulse22"bind "F9" "loadgame quick"bind "F12" "screenshot"bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "_moveUp"bind "KP_END" "_speed"bind "KP_INS" "_impulse13"bind "MOUSE1" "_attack"bind "MOUSE3" "_zoom"bind "MWHEELDOWN" "_impulse14"bind "MWHEELUP" "_impulse15"seta radiant_entityMode "0"seta gui_mediumFontLimit "0.60"seta gui_smallFontLimit "0.30"seta net_socksPassword ""seta net_socksUsername ""seta net_socksPort "1080"seta net_socksServer ""seta net_socksEnabled "0"seta win_ypos "22"seta win_xpos "3"seta sys_lang "english"seta s_numberOfSpeakers "2"seta s_doorDistanceAdd "150"seta s_globalFraction "0.8"seta s_subFraction "0.75"seta s_playDefaultSound "1"seta s_volume_dB "0"seta s_meterTopTime "2000"seta s_reverse "0"seta s_spatializationDecay "2"seta s_maxSoundsPerShader "1"seta r_debugArrowStep "120"seta r_debugLineWidth "1"seta r_debugLineDepthTest "0"seta r_cgFragmentProfile "best"seta r_cgVertexProfile "best"seta r_forceLoadImages "1"seta r_shadows "0"seta r_skipBump "0"seta r_skipSpecular "1"seta r_skipNewAmbient "0"seta r_renderer "best"seta r_brightness "1.595238"seta r_gamma "1.3"seta r_swapInterval "0"seta r_useIndexBuffers "0"seta r_customHeight "486"seta r_customWidth "720"seta r_fullscreen "1"seta r_mode "4"seta r_multiSamples "0"seta image_downSizeLimit "512"seta image_ignoreHighQuality "1"seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "512"seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "64"seta image_downSizeBump "1"seta image_downSizeSpecular "1"seta image_useCache "1"seta image_cacheMegs "128"seta image_cacheMinK "10240"seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "1"seta image_useNormalCompression "1"seta image_useAllFormats "1"seta image_useCompression "1"seta image_roundDown "1"seta image_forceDownSize "0"seta image_downSize "1"seta image_lodbias "0"seta image_anisotropy "0"seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"seta gui_filter_gameType "0"seta gui_filter_players "0"seta gui_filter_password "0"seta net_master4 ""seta net_master3 ""seta net_master2 ""seta net_master1 ""seta net_clientMaxRate "16000"seta net_serverMaxClientRate "16000"seta m_strafeSmooth "4"seta m_smooth "1"seta m_strafeScale "6.25"seta m_yaw "0.022"seta m_pitch "0.022"seta sensitivity "5"seta in_alwaysRun "0"seta in_freeLook "1"seta in_anglespeedkey "1.5"seta in_pitchspeed "140"seta in_yawspeed "140"seta gui_configServerRate "0"seta com_guid ""seta com_showFPS "1"seta com_purgeAll "1"seta com_machineSpec "0"seta g_decals "0"seta g_projectileLights "0"seta g_doubleVision "0"seta g_muzzleFlash "0"seta mod_validSkins "skins/characters/player/marine_mp;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_green;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_blue;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_red;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_yellow"seta g_mapCycle "mapcycle"seta g_voteFlags "0"seta g_gameReviewPause "10"seta g_countDown "10"seta g_password ""seta g_showBrass "1"seta g_showProjectilePct "0"seta g_showHud "1"seta g_showPlayerShadow "0"seta g_showcamerainfo "0"seta g_healthTakeLimit "25"seta g_healthTakeAmt "5"seta g_healthTakeTime "5"seta g_useDynamicProtection "1"seta g_armorProtectionMP "0.6"seta g_armorProtection "0.3"seta g_damageScale "1"seta g_nightmare "0"seta g_bloodEffects "1"seta ui_showGun "1"seta ui_autoReload "1"seta ui_autoSwitch "1"seta ui_team "Blue"seta ui_skin "skins/characters/player/marine_mp"seta ui_name "Player"seta si_spectators "1"seta si_usePass "0"seta si_warmup "0"seta si_teamDamage "0"seta si_timeLimit "10"seta si_fragLimit "10"seta si_maxPlayers "4"seta si_map "game/mp/d3dm1"seta si_gameType "singleplayer"seta si_name "DOOM Server"seta g_spectatorChat "0"After I that game runs at bearable frame rate and I must say this is a beautful game! Hope this helps some one Sorry if I put this post in wrong spot did not see game support. Thank you for the quick reply of misplacement [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
