Do It Yourself - Summer 2016, Czasopisma ENG

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//-->59IDEASUNDER$20TMSTEP-BY-STEPATTRACTBIRDS&BUTTERFLIESON A BUDGETBOOSTCURBAPPEALTHIS WEEKENDORGANIZEYOURKITCHENWHATTO DO WITHFLEAFINDSSummer 2016BHG.COM/DIYPROLUXE.™Proven. Perfect.For a awless, signature look,ask for SIKKENS®ProLuxeWood Finishes by name. Ourtime-tested formulas amplifythe natural beauty of woodwith exceptional results.It’s a difference you can see.Be true to your standards.DemandSikkens ProLuxenishes.perfectwoodstains.comA product of PPG Architectural Coatings.CetolandSikkensare registered trademarks of AkzoNobel.ProLuxeis a trademark of PPG Architectural Finishes, Inc.© 2016 PPG Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.SUMMER 2016FEATURES48SITTING PRETTYElevate your porch with furnituremakeovers, hardy plants, and aswoon-worthy swing.IN FULL BLOOMFlower power is back! Easydecorating projects combineclassic blossoms with the latesttools and techniques.ABOUT FACEBoost your home’s curb appealthis weekend with projects forwindows, walkways, gardens,front doors, and containers.78COLOR WAVEBring dreamy soft hues to walls,fabrics, furniture, and more withlayers of thinned paint and dye.THE HOUSE THAT JEN BUILTInside and out, this Ohiohomestead celebrates personalstyle, flea market savvy, andgracious hosting.FOR THE BIRDSAttract feathered friends with thebest feeders, baths, and plants.And don’t miss our bonus picksfor bees and butterflies.5688let'sbe FRIENDS.JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM(@DOITYOURSELFMAGAZINE)FOR INSIDE TIPS AND TRICKS.WE LOVE TO SEE YOURPROJECTS, TOO. TAG PHOTOSOF YOUR PROJECTS WITH#DIYRIGHTNOW.66100BHG.COM/DIYDO IT YOURSELFSummer 20161SUMMER 2016DEPARTMENTS8TRY ITCelebrate in style by deckingyour dining table with asummery centerpiece.ORDER IN THE HOUSEOptimize your kitchen andpantry with organizers youcan buy, hack, or make.ON OUR RADARSavor the summer sun withhot kits and gadgets for yourhome and garden.WHAT TO DO WITH  . ..Transform wood laddersinto shelving, tables, racks,and more.COOL TOOLSTackle paint and stainprojects with confidencewith these handy helpers.34HANDY GIRLShow your outdoor spacessome summer loving withexpert maintenance advice.FIND IT. FRAME IT.HANG IT.Whether framing a favoritephoto or hanging a gallerywall, you’ll achieve a curatedlook with our start-to-finishguide to displaying art.TREND SITINGCreate a style oasis withcactus-inspired products.IN THIS ISSUEON BHG.COM/DIYEDITOR’S LETTERRESOURCES14143819PROJECTSUNDER$20Dyed vases9Dip-dyed table runner9Decoupaged vase10Shutter centerpiece11Terra-cotta chargers11Postcard table runner12Knife block14Cork bag clip15Mini clipboard 16Party supply organizer 17Cork-lined pantry riser17Acrylic oating frame42Folk art frame44Tramp art frame44Lace embellished pillow48Brooch embellished pillow48Built-in drink holder50Stamped silverware50Customized folding chair53Basket side table53Leather-wrapped vase53Tile house numbers54Beaded hanging container54Embroidered tablecloth59Plywood wall vase62Photocopied pillow62Lace-texture drawer66Painted containers69Metal tubing orb69House number plaque73Customized mailbox73Stenciled welcome mat74String-wrapped wreath75Watercolor floral pillow79Watercolor tablecloth80Watercolor napkins81Color-dipped dishes82Color-dipped place cards82Color-stamped curtains84Monogrammed pillow cover86Color-washed banner87Drop cloth window treatment94Tassel curtain96Zip-tie lantern98Candle garden torches98Terra-cotta pot birdhouse100Birdseed shapes102Dishware bird feeder1041122432ALSO471082438327810019ON OUR COVERPROJECTSPAMELA PORTERPHOTOGRAPHADAM ALBRIGHT2 DO IT YOURSELFSummer 2016“We used to cut everythingby hand and had a lotof trouble. Now ourPlasmaCAM does it all,attaining levels of productionnot thought possible before.It’s run 40-50 hours a weekfor the past three years. It attainsincredible detail, is very easy and costHI¿FLHQWWRRSHUDWHand requires littlemaintenance. Thebottom line is:thismachine makes memoney!”-Jons -AKE !RTISTIC 0ROJECTS AND -ECHANICAL 0ARTSs #UT $ETAILED #USTOM 7ORK OR -ASS 0RODUCTIONs )NCLUDES )NDUSTRY,EADING 3OFTWAREs 3IMPLE TO /PERATE2UNS /FF 9OUR #OMPUTERRestaurant Lighting&Fixtures#ALL WITH THIS CODEHMUC6FORYOUR &2%% DEMO VIDEO TODAY32%R[&RORUDGR&LW\&2


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