Dollhouse Miniatures March April 2015, Modelarstwo
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//-->MINIATURE ARTISAN ALTHEA CROME KNITS WORKS OF ART.March / April 15 ISSUE 44dhminiatures.comTHE WORLD OF MINIATURES IN A NUTSHELLPrice US $7.95Canada $10.95 CADPROJECTSA sleeper for babyCharming chandelierMake a little quilling shelfOptions for adhesivesConstruct a grand entryVictorian decorative accentsSpringplantingscene by Moonyeen Mollerm!oy.cdemacatrafycmutkohecCMore NEW brands being added!Order at or call 1-877-986-9677 now!Many more o ers online with 1000s of NEW items from your favourite miniature brands! to know:We share our customers’ enthusiasm for their hobby –regularly posting pictures of their projects online on our company blog.Quite simply, it’s something we enjoy!18MARCH 2015D O L L S H O U S E W O R L D100s more items on o er only online! order or call1-877-986-9677now!Dollhouse Miniatures68132 250th AvenueKasson, MN 55944Phone:(507) 634-3143Fax:(507) 634-7691Toll Free:1-866-606-6587E-mail:info@dhminiatures.comUK:PO Box 2258PulbroughRH20 9BAGreat BritainTel:01903 884988Publisher:Kelly JohnsonEmail: KriegerEmail: Manager:Sara VixEmail: Service:Email: SchwemmerEmail: KriegerAd Designer:Alison Smith, Lauren NielsenCover Photo:Scene by Moonyeen Moller.Contributors:Jo Bevilacqua, Diane andHoward Birnberg, Julie Campbell, KrisCompas, Althea Crome, T. A. Gozeski,Auralea Krieger, Johannes Landman, GabrieleLayne, Maria Malmström, Martha Puff,Mercedes Spencer, Jan Stuart, Deb Weissler,Jan Yingercontents7233649547510162026PROJectsA sleeper for babyFollow along with this tutorial and make a cozy littleoutfit for your miniature baby.Light up your small worldHang a little quilling shelfTo glue or not to glueAdd some charm and whimsy to your mini world bymaking this fun chandelier with Maria Malmström.Kris Compas shows us how to make a smalldecorative bathroom shelf using quilling paper.If you are looking for a way to “stick it” then this articleby Auralea Krieger may be of some help.Construct a grand entryFollow along with Jo Bevilacqua in part two of thisextensive tutorial and create your own entrance way.Make a few tiny accentsIssue 44March/April 2015Make some traditional Victorian decorative accents foryour dollhouse along with T. A. Gozeski.Published by Ashdown BroadcastingSUBSCRIPTION RATES:1 year (6 issues): $45.99Canada $65.99 CAD; UK £43.99;Europe €74.99; Rest of World $75.99 USD2 year (12 issues): $86.99Canada $123.99 CAD; UK £74.99 GBPEurope €111.99 EUR; Rest of World $156.99 USDDollhouse Miniatures (ISSN 1094-1916 (USPS957-440) is published bi-monthly at 68132 250thAvenue, Kasson, MN 55944. Subscription price$39.95. Periodicals postage paid at Kasson MNand additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Sendaddress corrections to Dollhouse Miniatures, 68132250th Avenue, Kasson, MN 55944.All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or partwithout the written permission of the publisher isprohibited. All material submitted to the magazinefor publication in whatever form is accepted solelyon the basis that copyright in the work will bevested in the publisher who assumes all rightsworldwide, in all forms and in all media. Submittedmaterials cannot be returned unless accompaniedby a stamped addressed envelope. In any eventthe publisher can accept no responsibility for lossor damage to contributions. Material is acceptedsolely on the basis that the author accepts theassessment of the Publisher as to its commercialvalue. All material submitted to the magazine issubject to editing.Easter in the Antiques BarnMercedes Spencer celebrates her love ofpastel colors in her antiques barn for Easter.FeatUResHistory in the makingEnjoy learning a few fun facts about the itemswe use in our gardens everyday.There’s magic in each strokeExperience April in ParisJohannes Landman creates masterpieces in miniaturethat evoke a passion for life.Deb Weissler combined her admiration of an inspiringroom box design with her favorite musical.welcomeI do believe this to be true, but whatmany don’t see when they are in aweover art pieces is the artist’s journeyto achieve such magnificent skills. It’sa frustrating journey of trial and errorwith moments of bliss when the artistsees his or her vision come to life, andexhilaration upon the realization thatthe piece attained a higher level thanAs I laid out this issue ofDHMI wasovercome with admiration for the timeand skill it takes to achieve such exquisiteworks of miniature art. The initial responsefor some when studying a piece of artthat they admire and respect is wishingthey had the creative gene to achievesuch genius. This reminds me of a quoteI read years ago that stated, “If youadmire it, you can achieve it.”he or she could have hoped to achieve.Then there are the moments of defeatand digging deep to find the courageto push through in hopes of having thatblissful moment again. And, of course,the endless hours of practice and learningnew techniques.So when I hear people say, “I love art inall of its forms, but I don’t have a creativebone in my body,” I wonder if they haveever been encouraged to try their handat creating? I suppose it comes down tohow much they want it, and how muchthey are willing to sacrifice, and also howmuch time and passion they can dedicate.This is what makes a masterpiece. Ibelieve viewers, whether they are awareof it or not, see that journey in each brushstroke, finely-knitted pattern, sculptedpiece of clay, or carved wood.I welcome you to discover foryourself as you meander through theworks of art in this fabulous issue ofDHM.I hope you get inspired in yourown way to express your passionsand creativity.28344058616672Knitting small works of artSpring ShowcaseIGMA Fellow Althea Crome knits magnificent one-inchscale miniatures that are one-of-a-kind works of art.Celebrate the coming of spring with these verytalented miniature artists.Good Sam ShowcaseJoin us in part two of this amazing showcase ofminiature artisans’ work including small scale items.A fairy tail in miniatureThe ever-popular fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood isbrought to life by IGMA Artisan Julie Campbell.A house with many roomsGabriele Layne takes us on a tour of her custommade twenty-one room cabinet dollhouse.The new shop in SmallseaA cart for every peddlerDiane and Howard Birnberg add the newest additionto their miniature metropolis, Palliser’s Fine Porcelains.Jan Yinger shows us some of her peddlers carts andshares a few tips and tricks.652777181ReGReGULaRsYour lettersSee what your fellow readers and miniaturists arelearning, discovering, thinking, and discussing.The big buzzMini cutoutsHear what’s buzzing in our mini world! These pagesare filled with news updates, events, and contests.Cut out your very own vintage can labels, and jam jarlabels, as well as other miniature items.Show calendarIn a NutshellPull out your mini pens and mark your mini calendarsso you don’t miss any of these upcoming shows.Kathleen Ferrari has finished herSea Mist LighthouseandKeeper’s Cottage!D O L L H O U S E M I N I AT U R E S5
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