Docc Hilford - Dance of Shiva, Ultimate Magic eBooks Collection
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//-->ThflCj)ane~of~hivabyDace••"ndthesecretknowlec/geWq5msdeknown to the believersaEAShiv. through hi' k4utifi;/dinc~.•••I•n themysteriousrealmof the bblet worker. therearebut4fewtrue•••weaponsthat glisten with simplistic truth. The: skeletons ofdestqnsthatpromisedconveyance ofsecret irlormatlon unseenandunsuspected byan audienceareSGltt~red a10ng the pathtoocqJk glory.Peculiar fQ{c!s and surreptitious \\1ndowscO:incardsand envelopes onlygavewaytomcreasedenigmaticprocedures.Ttutbisobvious.ex~rt"Q'c:Center Teat is like a~I'pent;itis direct and•'WIltand <l"llvetS a strike th.t I! almostunseenbyIt, p.ey. Slnva wearsthe serpent as a 9O.I.n<l.The Bille!Switch " like. tiger, stealth aforce'ul, unlea,hing power W <lea<lly accuracy. With hi,'littleHnger,IthShiva ,kin, the tige' and wears It likelsilk ,h.w1.Many soothsayers have [aboredtoimprove the ,wIItnes,oF.IkCentetTear.wtthi1!usionf that reveal the secret ofthemes~geduringitsdestruction. OthershavestramedtoGlmouflagcthecovertdupltcatebtlletforthe switch with dipsandcontrivances.•.;q•beautiFul thatitspowe~is indesoibar.le.Adeceptionthatreveals all liFeas an illusion.Aphantasmbtew;qofequalpartsofcreation,prcteciion.yet,there15a greater secret unknown to mortals. A dance50desnuctton. andrelease -The Danceofsbrvat•I••••••••••Copyright·2(X)()-VoceCo-P.O.Box2193 -stUJri.Fl- 34995•••••,,•D,~.)qCObU5 Xis4wonderworkerofthe highestcaliber. Those.whocometo himhavefewdoubtsof hismiraculous powers.His clients h:webeenshown incontrovertibleproof of his.masterY long·be(o~ th~arrange foraprivater~dlng.Dr.Jacobus XU~TheDance ofShivaTWtoattain thisexalted status.•Atarestauran.a young'tIQthatshe had a problem and was50rryto cHsturh him, hutshe must know•i( the doctorcould help.Dl.Jacobustoldher to,' ...saynothing, 'implywrtteyour problem on tlus card an<l(0[<1it up.'While,peakin~to her,•.•he'folded abusinesscard.urlolcle<.:\itand drewa tine acrossthecentero(the pack o(the card.I'•problemon the cardandfO[<le<l it once each way The doctor took the fOl<le<lcar~fi-om her andran his thumhover oneedqe.tighteningt~crease.Heheld thePilletIn(ullviewand asked to see the woman', palm. The doctor placed the(~I<le<lcard tn her hand. She held the cardtlght[yin her fi,t.The young woman wrote the gist: of her••••"Youwillsoon receive aletter:Dr.Jacobustolc!her."Atetterfromoverseas.'Theyc',ungw0"1angasped.Hecontln~ed ."Fromacountry InAfrIca;ubenaperhaps.It is news (tom your sister. She hasqoodnewstotyou. She will ask youto[ctnhetthere.You need notworry."The woman'lowly opened her han<l and th1: doctor opened the••••••I••••••••••folded card. He shewed it to those sitting at the table. On it was thequestion.When wti/I heJt ftom my sister inLJf;.etiJ!andheld the young woman'stane:tsinhis.~!Ii.l~anappointmentwithmysecretaryandwewilltalkmore.Tha~kyou:Dr. Jacobus X tote: the cardinh\IO•The woman~eftthe table with the unoerstanoing thai she bad metwam~nofgteatpo.... .erandinsight.Dr.)<l00"U5Xhada~inusedTheithDanceofshlVaTWtoccnvmcea client oftheunknownfol'Ce5whichlu,k; forces at theC\?mman<lofD,. JacohusX!••,•,•••••••••,•••••,••••3•••••,•.•T••heDance ofShivaTlolisso directItdefies explanation.The<Irendtnoves, otherthanquickly running your thumb over oneofthe crease; and plac,"gt~blllet at the tipsofyour' mustseewhatitlooks like.Folda business cardonce eachway..lSeefigure#1JLayIton the table. Pickitup with yourright hand and tighten the comer crease with your left fingersbyrunn,"gtbem overthe long fOld once. ISeefigure #21 Place the fOldedbillet inyour lelthand at the fingert,ps. ISeefigure #31 Now put thebilletonthe table.ISeefigure#41ThIS IS what The Danclwilllook likewhenyo~do rt. IUakeslessthan10 seconds to do. Youshouldpracticethesesimplemoves many timesin Frontof<l mirrorbefo~youlearn TheDanceofshlva"".Ifyoumoveon to the secret~foteyoohavetaughtyourhands how to move. TheDance'm~bespelled Teach your bands how to make these simple•moves•first.,••,•••-.•"•••
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