Docc Hilford - The 1000 Dollar Secret Seance, Ultimate Magic eBooks Collection

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//-->S£G~£TMagicians haveaIwaysloved per-forming seeaee theater.Buthowtomakeitpracticaland profitablehas been a questionunresolved - UNTILNOWIBycreating a system ofthrecdiffer-",·atseanees, Doechas apracticalsystemtorS£AMG£S£GR£T SfAMG£Has These Great Features:r:lrseUingandperfonningseancetheater.The PocketSellIlCCcanbeper-formedclose-up and surrounded. Aspiritmessage~ad-dressedtosomeoneyou'venevcrmetandsigned by a spiritknown only to theComplete darkness isNEVERrequired.r:rAllactsareinstantly set-upandtakendown.r:rEverything travelsinabriefcase.r:rYou can perfonn them anywhere.qrAllthree seancesarereallya~"!l.~IIsitter~~ooSYSTEMfor making big fees.addressee!·Itamazesr:lrThe system sells the shows.potential buyers andsellsthe otherr:lrNo assistants neededseances.r:lrNothing ·comy",lhe REAL stuffl11Je Personalf7>Bonusslatemoves.reveals personal infonnation aboutr::rNewbilletreading methods.and commandshighfees.Doce'srivalthegreat mediumsof-thepast.TheOrand seanceisdesigned forr::rThe HI/fordOfflCflTest.awonderful waytoreadaperson'sseveral sittersatonce, "!bcu fortunes aretold, birthdates revcaled,personalitytrailsgiven all through your spir:it gUide. Whomakes his presence knowninafinalc'that"1mh~~ t~sin{!fS gasping for brca1h1r:rthoughts, is included FREE!Fully scripted-eve/}'move andgestureiswrittenout.Thigis tbe systemthathasmadeprofessional magicians$1,000a session.Itwas originally releasedwithall thc simplepropsfor $350.Now you c:an havethissecretinformation for a fraction of the cost,!<:t!~w ~l!3Ctlyoriginally sold for $350, Now~£GR£TS£AI4G£isonly_.Eachseanceisfullyscriptedsoyouwhattodoandsay.$lfOEarn $1,000 performing~"'CIllI~r",. t hlng younudtoMilke $loo,OOD IIyellr,.lindlceepYDfI' tillYjob'~-f#"&....c<ll"lll. ...10..............."". . . .,..~I.'Can;:." ..Ien'T•".111...."....,.........1h,...••~~DaceCo.-102mCollinsAYL#824 801 Harbour. R. 33154 - drcocktalll@netHro.Mtat any time. GUARANTEEDThe $1,000Sf"G~f"·rSf"AHGfCopyright© 1992DoccHilfordNew Edition Copyright©2004 DoccHilfordFirst printing February, 2004No portion of this book or original illustrations can be reproducedinanymanner without written permission ofthe copyright owner.This is one ofthe jewels from my treasure chest ofmoneymakingacts. From 1991 to the present I've performed this seance, or morecorrectly - seances because there are three different acts - and earnedatleast $1,000 over a weekend. I spent many a lovely weekend with asignificant other enjoying the luxuries of fine B&Bs across the countrydoingthisseance. Home parties produced a good income as well whenwe didn't feel like traveling.Everything here is designed for a one-person operation. Youdon't need an assistant. And better still, you don't need absolute dark-ness. Each seance is designedtobeperformed in either complete light orcandlelight. The entire production can be kept in a briefcase and beready to go at a moment's notice.There are some great bonusesinthis book beyond the threeseances. You will learn a new method for discerning written informationin front of the sitter. The Uilford Office Testwasmy choice for manydemonstrations of mentalism.Itisimpromptu and deadly in operation.This test could have been sold separately, but it is yours as a free bonus.You also will learn a simple slate move that I have used to foolmagicians for years. There is no numbering of slates or fancy moves.Itis direct and quick. Althoughinthis instance it is used with two businesscards, I have often used it as a slate move.Ifthis is not your first experience with seance theater you knowthat there are many different types of seance performances. My experi-ence in this field has given me an understanding of a simple division.Basically, there are two types of seances, a thrill ride like that at anamusement park or a calm communion with the departed. These seancesfallintothe latter category. There are no apparitions, floating tables orflying tambourines. And although they are played for entertainment, thesitters are more apt to believe this type of seance.But don't worry. There is nothing too heavy here. You won't bedealing with grieving widows, just people who want a fun time. Thesystem keeps the chronic believers away. This is just theater.The famous spiritualist center, Camp Chesterfield, still conductsseances at a fee of $10 fora ten minute reading. The days ofold ladies inDoecCo.10275 Collins Ave. Suite 824 Bal Harbour, FL 33154drcocktaill@netzero.net3sheets are long gone. These days you get an old lady answering aquestion she openly reads from a billet. Nothing too dramatic; in fact,rather dull. Youwillmake five times that amount because youwillbepresenting exciting theater!These three seances are not simply different acts or variations ona theme. They are specifically designed as a total marketing system.When you've mastered all three parts you will be able to sell your seancetheater and make the $1,000 spoken of. It will almost sell itself throughdemonstration. It's fun and profitable.This book has everything you need to make a full or part timeliving fromperforming,Yet it is not filled with selling methods. Youwon't need to spend hundreds of dollars on brochures or direct mailcampaigns. The system does all the work for you. By performing aseance from your pocket for potential clients, you will actually be givinga demonstration of the'two paying shows. And each show sells the other.The Grand Seance is a party for seven or eight sitters. The PersonalSeance is a private reading that most sitters want after experiencing theGrand Seance. The systemcanalso work the other way. A sitter who hasenjoyed a Personal Seance will book a seance party for her friends andyou'll sell them personal seances. The system keeps rolling and youaren't doing muchtosell them except performing.WhenIfirst released this system to a very limited group, ithadalltbe accoutrements in a carrying case. The entire package sold for $350.Later, a few moreperformersbought the system alone for $250. Everybuyer made many times his or her initial invest backbyperforming. Nowyou have all theinformationand more in this updated version for afraction ofthe price.TH£ MAf<iltf(7OFA M£DiOMIbegan performing seances at the tender age of eight.Alarge,leather bound book of ancient magic tricks I found in my elementaryschool library told of balls disappearing from under cups, ropes thatcould not be permanently cut. and chosen cards that continued to returnto the top ofthe deck even though they were inserted in the center.Inthelast chapter of thebook,as ifitwere forbidden knowledge, was adescription of various medium tricks. There were numerous spookystunts, some darkroom deceptions and alittlething called The Medium'sGrip! The book explained, to my delight, the single-hand release as wellas a method for releasing both ofthe medium's hands.Iimmediately lostinterest in cups, ropes, and cards. It seemed to me that controlling thingsthat go bump in the night was much better than controlling the locationofa playing card!This newfound power was demonstrated after school. The darkinterior of a closet became a spirit cabinet. Both of my parents workeduntil five o'clock, and from half past three until their return home, Icould contact the dead to the delight and dismay of my peers. With atowel at the base of the closet door to keep out any rays unwanted light,pots and pans flew through the air.Jbecameaninstant celebrity atschool. All this was wonderful, until some of the children couldn't sleepfor fear of the spooks intheirdark closets. The children told theirparents of our after school activities, and those parents spoke with myparents. My father used applied psychology - he applied his hand firmlyto a spot some distance from my mind. This persuaded me to pursue cardtricks again.About two years later, duringasleepover with my buddies, a newpastime was discovered. By sitting near a window inadarkened room,thedimmoonlight would barely illuminate my face. Because of thespecific lighting, my friends watched my facial features apparentlychange! As an adult, I found out that this is a common practice~fTibetan monks to explore their past lives. Spirit mediums have usedthistransmogrification trick for years and, under my editorship,H~merScarborough described it in The NewIuvoeatloa,However, at the tune,I thought I was the sole originator. Speaking in a different voice~hil~the other kids viewed my changed face embellished the effect. Takmg Itone step further, my new spirit personality became an entity named,Zeus. Other kids were so convinced by my performance that they askedItis my sincere hope that you usethissystem to add to yourincome. One fellow has made a great living from this system alone formany years. He works a job during the week and adds about $50,000.00a year tohisbottom line byperformingseance theater on weekends. Andthe bestpartis that these weekends are spent at vacation sites around thecountry.Docc Hilford -January, 200445me to bring Zeus into my body after school in the daylight My facedidn't change, but that didn't matter to my curious classmates. Zeusbegan to demand payment of candy, soda, and green, plastic soldiers. I'llnever forget the comment of one boy. He told me he knew Zeus was realbecause he didn't really like me, but he thought Zeus was a fme person!I had discovered the art of professional spirit channelingatthe age often.By the end of high school I was performing seances regularly at afraternity house at the University of New Mexico. Every Friday night thehouse would host a keg party and a seance in the basement. Only aprivileged few could attend the seance, and this gave me a great deal ofpower. I could decide who was conducive and who was disruptive to thesuccess of the seance. Of course, several young, beautiful co-eds werealways in attendance. My repertoire had grown during the precedingyears. I now demonstrated written spirit messages and winged creaturesflew through many ofthe gatherings.At one seance a frat brother asked if I could get the spirits to writeon a phone pad roll hanging on the wall. The appearance of messageswas accomplished by unrolling about a foot of the paper, writing amessage before the seance, and re-rolling the paper. In the dark I freedone hand, unrolled the paper again and tore off the excess. When thelights came on, there was a detailed message that had apparently beenwritten in the dark.The winged creatures were actually both ofmy free hands wavingblack silk handkerchiefs around. (I later developed a version ofNactalopiausing this idea.) One of my closest friends truly believed themessage wrote to him at one seance.Itwas signedCLOTHO,a made upname. My friend kept the paper with the message and searched for weeksto fmd out the identity ofCLOTHO.He later claimed to have found thename in a demonic dictionary! He wouldn't believe me when the trickwas explained.Itwas then that I learned a valuable lesson. The sitter hasa remarkable will to believe. Once you have convinced a sitter of theauthenticity ofthe seance, nothing will shake that belief!The circles grew. At one party, two separate circles had to beformed to avoid a small riot!Inone circle there were three or fourfootball players who were upset that all the campus girls were now at ourparties. They thought they could mess things up by letting one playerloose to walk around the roominthe dark and throw things. This turnedout to be great. My hands were never released and I spoke quietlythroughout the entire seance. The twenty-five other sitters heard myvoice on one end of the room and crashing objects at the other end.Eventually we held seances on both Fridays and Saturdays.Over the next ten years, I developed three seances that I haveused faithfully ever since. These are the seances taught in this book.Almost every conceivable thing that could happen in a seance hashappened to me over the years, including things too bawdy to be toldhere. You will benefit from my experience. As you have read, I've beenspeaking with spirits for most of my life. I love this kind of work.Itisfunto perform and easy to sell.Make no mistake, this is theater. But unlike most magic, in thisperformance there is actually a suspension of disbelief. The attendeespretend to believe. You will not be speaking with the deceased lovedones of grieving people. Leave that to others. In these seances, you willbe giving theatrical experiences. The Personal Seance requires morerestraint, but remains theater.In 1992, I was selling seances, not just during Halloween, butthroughout the year. I shared this system with a handful of professionals.One enterprising young man combined this seance with the marketing ofbed and breakfasts from my book, Secret Venues, and continues tomake a six-digit income each year. You can make a living as a mediwnalso.Justfollow the outline, practice the routines and start making-money.67 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
