Dolly AU 2016 02, Czasopisma
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//-->BONUSSIX CUTEValentine’sDayCARDS AND ENVELOPES!DAYIE, V-BIGGHEYNOOHAE,NO BTICKETS TOGOOD LIFEFESTIVATs&Cs apply. See page 17 for details.W !BEAUTY 10122 FAIL-SAFESKINSAVERS.YASSS!YOU GOT THISTreat yo’healthGet fashion fitSave your ca$hDIY for days2016POSTERSBROOKLYN BECKHAMKENDALL & KYLIEDEMI LOVATOED SHEERANHAIMAND MORETHIS ISSUECOMES WITHA CARD ANDENVELOPE PACK.AUSTRALIANRETAIL ONLY.OMG!Why we’re girl-crushing onthis butt-kicking teen feministloëoretzFEBRUARY 2016AUST$7.99♥NZ$6.70NO. 541REAL LIFE“I’M A TEENREFUGEE” E. CousinsDeputy editorLizza GebilaginManaging editor/Features directorKara ByersEditorial and social media coordinatorDaisy CheinARTCreative directorMeng KoachArt directorLuke WorsfoldDeputy art directorJessica MosesDesignersLucy Douglas, Jessica AtanasovskaPicture editorJemima RichardsSUB-EDITORSChief sub-editorEllie McDonaldDeputy chief sub-editorCassie SteelSub-editorJacqui KingFEATURESFeatures editorJosie Rozenberg-ClarkeSenior features writerBree PlayerFeatures writersDanica Baker, Matthew Galea, Miriam RaphaelFASHIONFashion directorAlissa ThomasFashion editorLeda RossFashion assistantMaggie NeilBEAUTYBeauty directorSarah Brooks-WilsonBeauty editorMeg BellemoreBeauty writerBree GrantONLINE & MARKETINGDigital managing editorEmily KerrOnline producerAmber MantoDigital content managersBianca Mastroianni, Samantha StewartMarketing managerClaudia CassarAssistant brand managerZoe LamondViewa campaign managerAnnie ZiemeContributorsStephanie Anderson, Millie Chandler, Penny Collicoat, Sarah Friggieri,Jenny Gilham, Emily Gibb, Jill Henderson, Emma Jackson, Dr Melissa Kang, Amanda McCourt, Lucy Moon,Rebecca Sloan, Kent ‘Smallzy’ Smalls, Marty Smiley, Lucy Stockton, Judie Siu, Gabrielle Tozer, Scott TweedieEditorial, art and beauty internsMolly Coulson, Angelica Fortunato,Emma Hedges, Lee Hutchison, Georgia Maccan, Katie Markantonakis, Lauren MeolaFashion internsRebecca Haig, Emily McGarrity, Melanie Savvidis, Natasha Tamburini,Taylor Touma, Chantel Toutounji, Claudia Willis-Craig, Penelope VellisWork experienceGrace Galluzzo, Evie Knight, Arielle Nudd, Bronte TonksPRODUCTIONProduction managersIan Henn, Lara KerrAdvertising production coordinatorDom RoyPre-pressScott HassanADVERTISINGHead of commercial categoriesMark DriscollCommercial category managerJess LayHead of creativeAllan Fletcher (02) 8268 4494Creative studio managerRachel GavinHead of sales and solutions (Qld)Nikkola Hogan (07) 3101 6636Group business manager (SA and WA)Nabula El MouridSales director (Vic)Andrea SalmonGroup direct sales (Vic)Christine LesterSyndication enquiries(02) 9282 8392CORPORATEDOLLY is published by Bauer MediaChief executive officerDavid GoodchildPublisherSebastian KadasDirector of salesTony KendallGroup manager – brand advertising strategySimon DaviesNSW sales directorJoanne ClasbyGeneral manager, marketingNatalie BettiniGroup commercial manager,Australian consumer & custom magazinesLucille CharlesCorporate counsel and audiencemanagement directorSarla FernandoCirculation manager, women’s lifestyleCharlotte GrayResearch director, women’s lifestyleJustin StoneEditorial enquiries to DOLLY, 54 Park St, Sydney, NSW 2000, phone (02) 9282 8437. Publishedby Bauer Media Ltd, ACN 053 273 546, 54 Park Street, Sydney, NSW 2000. The trade mark DOLLYis the property of Bauer Consumer Media Limited and is used under license. © 2016.All rights reserved. Printed by PMP Limited, 31-37 Heathcote Rd, Moorebank NSW 2170.FOR SUBSCRIPTION SALES AND ENQUIRIES, 116 between 8am and 6pm (EST), Monday-Friday.We’re throwing a Caspar Lee and takingover YouTube with our very own channel.EACH WEEK, WE’LL BRING YOU REGULARUPLOADS, SO SUBSCRIBE TODAY!Celeb videospacked withHollywood goss, exclusiveinterviews, ALL the gamesand epic live music sets.How-to tutorialsfeaturingeverything from DIY beauty,cool-as craft and magicto make you go WOW.PRIVACY NOTICEThis issue of DOLLY is published by Bauer Media Pty Ltd (Bauer).Bauer may use and disclose your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, including to provideyou with your requested products or services and to keep you informed of other Bauer publications, products, servicesand events. 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