Docc Hilford - The Cassandra Deck, Ultimate Magic eBooks Collection

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The $100 Deck That was Kept Secret for Four Years!
Cassandra Deck
The Cassandra Deck™ is revolutionary. It was designed from Gene
in his wonderful book,
Phantini's Mental Key
1951). After developing this deck. Jack Dean informed me that although she
contains some elements of the Koran Deck and the Himber Deck. The Cassan-
dra Deck'™ is quite original. The pumping deck — although addressed by
Phantini. as well as Waters, Chelman. Corinda and others — dates back to the
late Nineteenth century. You have a utility deck that will fool both magicians
and you. Guard its secret carefully.
How it
works: The Cassandra Deck™ consists of 52 cards plus a
Joker. There are 10 force cards. 5 red and 5 black. These cards are repeated
2.6 times to make a half deck of 26 force cards. Twenty-six mixed indifferent
cards separate the 26 force cards.
The Set-up:
The force cards are all regulation size. The pump is based
on a ‘stranger’ card formula. The suits
in your deck may vary,
but the force
cards in this example are JH-2H-3C-QC-5H-6C-7C-8H-9S-IOD and remain in
a fixed order for dealing tricks. From the top (back) of the deck down is a
group of 10, another group of 10 identical force cards in the same order, a
Joker, and an incomplete group of slightly more than half (6) of the force cards
group; combined with six indifferent cards known as the "Bottom Twelve".
Your deck must be assembled in this order: JH-x-2H-x-3C-x-QC-x-5H-x-6C-x-
10D-Joker-JH-x-2H-x-3C-x-QC-x-5H-x-6C-The black ace (on the bottom).
The Joker (which can be trimmed to be a short card) appears before the
bottom twelve cards. This helps you when handling the deck, and by breaking
the pattern, helps deceive the eye when the cards are ribbon spread. It is not a
necessity after you become comfortable with The Cassandra Deck™.
The indifferent cards arc all trimmed short
and none of them are re-
peated anywhere in the deck. They arc specially selected to resemble, but not
duplicate, the force cards. When spread face-up, the force cards become invisi-
ble because of I he randomness of the indifferent cards between them. A small
crib sheet to queue you on the order of the force cards [Fig 1], is stuck on the
inside flap of the card box.
A tip is to secretly mark each indifferent card with a pencil dot on the
back corner. This allows
to at least see that all is in order when you fan
the deck. The black ace is at the bottom. If the deck is cut, you can re-cut it to
starting position at any time by cutting at the black ace. This keeps the
"Bottom Twelve' at the bottom. You may switch the black ace with the Joker if
you prefer to have the Joker at the bottom face of the deck.
How to display:
Hold The Cassandra Deck™ face-down on your left
palm. Pick up the deck with your right hand; fingers on one narrow end and
your right thumb on the opposite narrow end. Place the nail of your right in-
dex finger against the back of the deck and apply some pressure. Allow cards
to slide off under your thumb and back into your left palm.
This is the same display as done with a Svengali Deck and allows the
spectators to see only force cards, plus the indifferent bottom card (the black
ace). Tell the spectator not to select the bottom card, as it is too obvious.
If you repeal the above procedure with the cards oriented face-up in
your left hand, only the indifferent cards will be seen as they fall face-up into
your left palm. When displaying the cards, go slow enough for the spectator to
mentally select a card. However, don't go so slow as to reveal the fact that any
cards are repeated.
How to cut: The indifferent cards being trimmed short assures that the
spectator must cut to a force card on the bottom of the portion cut.
Hold the deck face-down in your left palm. Keep your left fingers and
thumb along the wide sides of the deck. This forces the spectator to grab the
deck by its narrow ends. He will be able to only touch the edges of the force
cards. The spectator lifts up a group of cards and looks at the bottom card of
that group. That is a force card.
How to shuffle:
The same principle allows you to dovetail shuffle The
Cassandra Deck™. Cut the deck and tap the far ends on the table to expose all
the long edges of the force cards. Shuffle with your thumbs touching the nar-
row, inside, ends of the cards. The cards will fall in pairs of one force card and
one indifferent card. This jumbles the order of the force cards, but doesn't
disrupt the working of the deck. A single shuffle wilt not put duplicate force
cards together, but repeated shuffles may.
How to re-set the deck:
If your deck gets jumbled — either by acci-
dent or design during a shuffle — it is an easy matter to re-set it. Separate the
long and short cards and simply re-assemble the deck using the crib on the
flap of the card box.
The Cassandra Deck™
What follows arc only six of the 64 different tricks possible with The
Cassandra Deck™. If you like; these tricks, it is highly suggested you
obtain a copy of Fem Fatal- 64 Sinful Secrets of The Cassandra Deck.
A spectator is told to think of any card in a regular deck. So she can
pick one at random, and not one that most people pick, you offer a visual aid.
She remembers one she sees in a deck. The deck is quickly shown to the spec-
tator and put away. You make a series of correct statements about her card.
Finally, you name the thought of card.
Method: Each set of ten force cards can be divided by the fact that they
are either red suits or blacks. Each set of five (either all red or all black) has a
series of "stranger" cards. Four are the same suit: one is a "stranger". Of the
four, three are not face cards, one is a "stranger"' (a face card). Of the remain-
ing three, two are odd if black (or even if red) and one is a “stranger”. Of the
two cards left, one is a high card (above seven) and one is low valued.
By a series of positive statements, you are able to reveal the mentally
chosen card while appearing as if you are not asking any questions. And you
are never wrong!
Yon will make statements about:
1. The color
2- The suit
3. The court card
4. A low value
How to make correct statements:
On the inside of the card box flap is your crib. The top row of five is all the red
force cards. The row below is all the black force cards. The number above or
below the card's initials indicates the order in the group stack. [Fig. 1] The
value of the force card also indicates its position in the group. Please note that
the jack is 1 and the queen is 4. This helps break any visual pattern.
The cards arc listed in the order of the statements you will make. Al-
ways make a statement based on the majority cards. NOT the "stranger" card,
(with the exception of the court card — as explained later)
When making your state-
9 4 6 3 7 ments aim to get a response from the
spectator's facial expressions only
and not a verbal answer The force
10D JH 5H 2H 8H
cards are specifically selected to help
10 1
in this. Your statements are timed
with a pause so that you can correct
yourself if needed after seeing the
spectator's facial response.
For example: The first statement you will make is. "Your card’s not be
red, is it?" This is an ambiguous statement. You seem to be correct no matter
what the spectator's answer.
If the response (either facial or verbal) is "Yes' you know to make your
statements about the red force cards on the bottom row of your queue list. You
add. "I thought so."
If the response is "No" you know to make statements based on the top
row of black cards. You say. "I didn’t think so." With either response you
affirm that you knew what the response would be.
We will assume she smiles or nods her head, which tells you the re-
sponse is 'Yes', her card is red. You secretly look at the crib list. The first red
card on the list is the first "stranger" card of the red set, the Ten of Diamonds
(10D). The remaining majority of force cards on the bottom list are hearts.
Continue your statements about the majority cards. Say, "Your card is
a heart..." leaving your voice hanging. There is a 4 to 1 chance you are cor-
If she frowns or looks blank, the response is 'No' and you immediately
know her card is the Ten of Diamonds. You finish your statement with, "...or a
diamond. Yes, it is a diamond The Ten of Diamonds." You have correctly
identified her card quickly and directly.
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